2009/3/2 Armin Ronacher <armin.ronac...@active-4.com>:
> Hi,
> Georg Brandl <g.brandl <at> gmx.net> writes:
>> We're already quite inconsistent with type name casing in the collections
>> module, so it wouldn't matter so much.  (Though I'd find symmetry with
>> defaultdict pleasing as well.)
> We either have the way to be consistent with defaultdict and dict or with
> Counter, MutableMapping etc.

I think "normal" class names are fine for ABCs, but I brought it up
because the other dictionary class in collections had a all lowername.

> I think it's a bit too chaotic already to make a fair decision here.  If we
> seriously consider a C implementation it would probably be a good idea to call
> it `odict`.  C-Classes are usually lower cased as far as I can see.

I don't implementation language should determine naming.

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