On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 1:43 AM, Tennessee Leeuwenburg
<tleeuwenb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Jesse,
> I'm not sure what the most appropriate thing to do is. I could:
>   (a) leave any multiprocessing changes to you,
>   (b) alter the functioning of the method queue_empty inside
> test_multiprocessing to test for emptiness in a different manner
> I'm happy to go ahead and try my hand at making the appropriate changes but
> I don't want to tread in areas of the code that other people have ownership
> of.
> It appears as though the only place in multiprocessing which uses the
> deprecated call is in the test_multiprocessing file.
> I also found a call to Queue.empty in wsgui.py. I don't see any authorship
> tags at the top of this file but the last commiter was Andrew Kuchling. Do I
> need to contact him regarding this or is it appropriate for me to make the
> appropriate modifications without consulting him?
> Apologies to anyone if I appear to be overly tentative OR overly pushy -- I
> am aware that some people take a great deal of personal ownership of their
> works, while others are impatient with a soft approach.
> Regards,
> -Tennessee

I'm an equal opportunity patch employer: I'll take it from anyone.

That being said, I would open a new issue on the tracker
(bugs.python.org) outlining the issue (removing these/deprecating
them) and add me to the +noisy. There you can upload patches as you
create them, and we can all coordinate work and discussion there.

For the multiprocessing support - the first step is to identify why
it's being used and remove it (I'm head-deep in pycon talk prep, so I
haven't been able to look) and then replace the code. Second, I need
to make sure the multiprocessing.queue API does not have it's own APIs
for these (mp.queue is a clone of queue.queue) and deprecate those.

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