Arc Riley wrote:
> I've heard from four people that improving 2to3 would be a great project
> (plus many more suggesting "port X to Python 3" as project ideas).
> Note the SoC timeline;
> So maybe it won't work for 3.1, but perhaps 3.1.1? 3.2?
Let's not forget that we could (fairly easily?) make an interim release
of a 3.1-based 2to3 before adding in anything 3.2-specific, so there's
no reason why a SoC project shouldn't work, with a release after the
project (perhaps as a patch to 3.1 installations) and hence over a year
before 3.2. Or perhaps a 3.1.1 release could incorporate the more
advanced 2to3 features with the same 3.1 language ...

> We should have many ideas up for students to consider.  The more student
> who apply and the more mentors we have ready determines how many
> students we get total.
> As part of this I should add, we need at least one mentor per student,
> preferably two.  These should be people familiar with and actively
> working in the area the student would be.  We're putting mentor contact
> info on the wiki so potential students can hash out the details with
> them before applying.
Realistically I am not sure I will have time to mentor, but if you need
any help from the PSF please feel free to get in touch. Thanks for
taking this challenging role up on behalf of the Python community.

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC       
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