2009/3/26 Toshio Kuratomi <a.bad...@gmail.com>:
> Guido van Rossum wrote:
>> On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 9:40 PM, Tarek Ziadé <ziade.ta...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I think Distutils (and therefore Setuptools) should provide some APIs
>>> to play with special files (like resources) and to mark them as being 
>>> special,
>>> no matter where they end up in the target system.
>> Yes, this should be done. PEP 302 has some hooks but they are optional
>> and not available for the default case.
>> - Open as a binary stream
>> - Open as a text stream
>> - Get contents as a binary string
>> - Get contents as a text string
> Depending on the definition of a "resource" there's additional
> information that could be needed.  For instance, if resource includes
> message catalogs, then being able to get the base directory that the
> catalogs reside in is needed for passing to gettext.

Well ... considering my experience with Babel (... gettext is similar
too ;) & bundling message catalogs (.MO ...) for Trac plugins needing
i18n support (... I even wrote some kind of i18n architecture for Trac
< 0.12 ... ;), pkg_resources handles these cases too ... dont remember
very well right now how but I think it is some knid of

>>> import pkg_resources
>>> help(pkg_resources.resource_filename)

resource_filename(self, package_or_requirement, resource_name) method
of pkg_resources.ResourceManager instance
   Return a true filesystem path for specified resource

Don't know whether this is enough or not ... but anyway ... it's
already there, and many people should be using things like this ... Is
it a bad idea to keep it there too ? I mean together with open/get
features mentioned by GvR ...

Q: Will pkg_resources.ResourceManager or equivalent remain ? AFAIK
this is to load resources from multiple sources ... FS, zip | egg
files and so on ... CMIIW ... ;)



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