> From: "Cesare Di Mauro" <cesare.dima...@a-tono.com>
> So if Python will generate
> LOAD_CONST      1
> LOAD_CONST      2
> the constant folding code will simply replace them with a single
> LOAD_CONST      3
> When working with such kind of optimizations, the temptation is to
> apply them at any situation possible. For example, in other languages
> this
> a = b * 2 * 3
> will be replaced by
> a = b * 6
> In Python I can't do that, because b can be an object which overloaded
> the * operator, so it *must* be called two times, one for 2 and one for 3.

Not necessarily. For example C/C++ doesn't define the order of the
operations inside an expression (and AFAIK neither Python) and
therefore folding 2 * 3 is OK whether b is an integer or an arbitrary
object with mul operator overloaded. Moreover one would expect * to be
associative and commutative (take a look at Python strings); if a * 2
* 3 returns a different result from a * 6 I will find it very
surprising and probably reject such code.

However you can fix the order of operations like this:

a = (b * 2) * 3


a = b * (2 * 3)


a = b * 2
a = a * 3

Alexandru Moșoi
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