Hi all,

this year we have 10-12 GSoC applications that I've put in the "relevant
to core Python development" category.  These projects, if mentors etc
are found, are *guaranteed* a slot under the PSF GSoC umbrella.  As
backup GSoC admin and general busybody, I've taken on the work of
coordinating these as a special subgroup within the PSF GSoC, and I
thought it would be good to mention them to python-dev.

Note that all of them have been run by a few different committers,
including Martin, Tarek, Benjamin, and Brett, and they've been obliging
enough to triage a few of them.  Thanks, guys!

Here's what's left after that triage.  Note that except for the four at
the top, these have all received positive support from *someone* who is
a committer and I don't think we need to discuss them here -- patches
etc. can go through normal "python-dev" channels during the course of the

I am looking for feedback on the first four, though.  Can these
reasonably be considered "core" priorites for Python?  Remember, this
"costs" us something in the sense of preferring these over Python
subprojects like (random example) Cython, NumPy, PySoy, Tahoe, Gajim,


Questionable "core":

2x "port NumPy to py3k" -- NumPy is a major Python module and porting it
        to py3k fits with Guido's request that "more stuff get ported".
        To be clear, I don't think anyone expects all of NumPy to get
        ported this summer, but these students will work through issues
        associated with porting big chunks o' code to py3k.

        One medium/strong proposal, one medium/weak proposal.


2x "improve testing tools for py3k" -- variously focus on improving test
        coverage and testing wrappers.
        One proposes to provide a nice wrapper to make nose and py.test
        capable of running the regrtests, which (with no change to
        regrtest) would let people run tests in parallel, distribute or
        run tests across multiple machines (including Snakebite), tag
        and run subsets of tests with personal and/or public tags, and
        otherwise take advantage of many of the nice features of nose
        and py.test.

        The other proposes to measure & increase the code coverage of
        the py3k tests in both Python and C, integrate across multiple
        machines, and otherwise provide a nice set of integrated reports
        that anyone can generate on their own machines.  This proposal,
        in particular, could move smoothly towards the effort to produce
        a "Python-wide" test suite for CPython/IronPython/PyPy/Jython.
        (This wasn't integrated into the proposal because I only found
        out about it after the proposals were due.)

        I personally think that both testing proposals are good, and
        they grew out of conversations I had with Brett, who thinks that
        the general ideas are good.  So, err, I'm looking for pushback,
        I guess ;).  I can expand on these ideas a bit if people are

        Both proposals are medium at least, and I've personally been
        positively impressed with the student interaction.



Unquestionably "core" by my criteria above:

3to2 tool -- 'nuff said.

subprocess improvement -- integrating, testing, and proposing some of
        the various subprocess improvements that have passed across this
        list & the bug tracker

IDLE/Tkinter patch integration & improvement -- deal with ~120 tracker
        issues relating to IDLE and Tkinter.

roundup VCS integration / build tools to support core development --
        a single student proposed both of these and has received some
        support.  See http://slexy.org/view/s2pFgWxufI for details.

sphinx framework improvement -- support for per-paragraph comments and
        user/developer interface for submitting/committing fixes 

2x "keyring package" -- see
The poorer one of these will probably be axed unless Tarek gives it
strong support.


C. Titus Brown, c...@msu.edu
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