Tennessee> If its' the 31st of Jan, then +1 monthdelta will be 28 Feb
    Tennessee> and another +1 will be 28 March whereas 31st Jan +2
    Tennessee> monthdeltas will be 31 March.

Other possible arithmetics:

    * 31 Jan 2008 + monthdelta(2) might be
        31 Jan 2008 + 31 days (# days in Jan) + 29 days (# days in Feb)

    * 31 Jan 2008 + monthdelta(2) might be
        31 Jan 2008 + 29 days (# days in Feb) + 31 days (# days in Mar)

    * Treat the day of the month of the base datetime as an offset from the
      end of the month.  29 Jan 2007 would thus have an EOM offset of -2.
      Adding monthdelta(2) would advance you into March with the resulting
      day being two from the end of the month, or 29 Mar 2007.  OTOH, adding
      monthdelta(1) you'd wind up on 26 Feb 2007.

    * Consider the day of the month in the base datetime as an offset from
      the start of the month if it is closer to the start or as an offset
      from the end of the month if it is closer to the end.  12 Mar 2009 -
      monthdelta(2) would land you at 12 Jan 2009 whereas 17 Mar 2009 -
      monthdelta(1) would land you at 12 Feb 2009.

My mind spins at all the possibilities.  I suspect we've seen at least ten
different monthdelta rules just in this thread.  I don't know how much sense
they all make, but we can probably keep dreaming up new ones until the cows
come home.  Except for completely wacko sets of rules you can probably find
uses for most of them.  Bake, baby, bake.

pillsbury-doughboy-ly, y'rs,

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