Would it make sense to provide a default ordering whenever the types are
the same?

This doesn't work when they are not the same :-)

_ ~
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Instead, you could make the decorating a bit more sophisticated:

 decorated = [(key, id(value), value) for key, value in blah(values)]

or even:

 decorated = [(key, n, value) for n, key, value in enumerate(blah(values))]

I already do something along those lines in heapq.nsmallest() and nlargest() to preserve sort stability. The real issue isn't how to fix one particular module.
The problem is that a basic python pattern is now broken
in a way that may not readily surface during testing.

I'm wondering if there is something we can do to mitigate
the issue in a general way.  It bites that the venerable technique
of tuple sorting has lost some of its mojo.  This may be
an unintended consequence of eliminating default comparisons.

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