Thomas Breuel wrote:
But the biggest problem with the proposal is that it isn't needed: if you want to be able to turn arbitrary byte sequences into unicode strings and back, just set your encoding to iso8859-15. That already works and it doesn't require any changes.

Are you proposing to unconditionally encode file names as iso8859-15, or to do so only when undecodeable bytes are encountered?

If you unconditionally set encoding to iso8859-15, then you are effectively reverting to treating file names as bytes, regardless of the locale. You're also angering a lot of European users who expect iso8859-2, etc.

If you switch to iso8859-15 only in the presence of undecodable UTF-8, then you have the same round-trip problem as the PEP: both b'\xff' and b'\xc3\xbf' will be converted to u'\u00ff' without a way to unambiguously recover the original file name.
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