On approximately 4/28/2009 2:01 PM, came the following characters from the keyboard of MRAB:
Glenn Linderman wrote:
On approximately 4/28/2009 11:55 AM, came the following characters from the keyboard of MRAB:
I've been thinking of "python-escape" only in terms of UTF-8, the only
encoding mentioned in the PEP. In UTF-8, bytes 0x00 to 0x7F are

UTF-8 is only mentioned in the sense of having special handling for re-encoding; all the other locales/encodings are implicit. But I also went down that path to some extent.

But if you're talking about using it with other encodings, eg
shift-jisx0213, then I'd suggest the following:

1. Bytes 0x00 to 0xFF which can't normally be decoded are decoded to
half surrogates U+DC00 to U+DCFF.

This makes 256 different escape codes.

Speaking personally, I won't call them 'escape codes'. I'd use the term
'escape code' to mean a character that changes the interpretation of the
next character(s).

OK, I won't be offended if you don't call them 'escape codes'. :) But what else to call them?

My use of that term is a bit backwards, perhaps... what happens is that because these 256 half surrogates are used to decode otherwise undecodable bytes, they themselves must be "escaped" or translated into something different, when they appear in the byte sequence. The process described reserves a set of codepoints for use, and requires that that same set of codepoints be translated using a similar mechanism to avoid their untranslated appearance in the resulting str. Escape codes have the same sort of characteristic... by replacing their normal use for some other use, they must themselves have a replacement.

Anyway, I think we are communicating successfully.

2. Bytes which would have decoded to half surrogates U+DC00 to U+DCFF
are treated as though they are undecodable bytes.

This provides escaping for the 256 different escape codes, which is lacking from the PEP.

3. Half surrogates U+DC00 to U+DCFF which can be produced by decoding
are encoded to bytes 0x00 to 0xFF.

This reverses the escaping.

4. Codepoints, including half surrogates U+DC00 to U+DCFF, which can't
be produced by decoding raise an exception.

This is confusing.  Did you mean "excluding" instead of "including"?

Perhaps I should've said "Any codepoint which can't be produced by
decoding should raise an exception".

Yes, your rephrasing is clearer, regarding your intention.

For example, decoding with UTF-8b will never produce U+DC00, therefore
attempting to encode U+DC00 should raise an exception and not produce

Decoding with UTF-8b might never produce U+DC00, but then again, it won't handle the random byte string, either.

I think I've covered all the possibilities. :-)

You might have.  Seems like there could be a simpler scheme, though...

1. Define an escape codepoint. It could be U+003F or U+DC00 or U+F817 or pretty much any defined Unicode codepoint outside the range U+0100 to U+01FF (see rule 3 for why). Only one escape codepoint is needed, this is easier for humans to comprehend.

2. When the escape codepoint is decoded from the byte stream for a bytes interface or found in a str on the str interface, double it.

3. When an undecodable byte 0xPQ is found, decode to the escape codepoint, followed by codepoint U+01PQ, where P and Q are hex digits.

4. When encoding, a sequence of two escape codepoints would be encoded as one escape codepoint, and a sequence of the escape codepoint followed by codepoint U+01PQ would be encoded as byte 0xPQ. Escape codepoints not followed by the escape codepoint, or by a codepoint in the range U+0100 to U+01FF would raise an exception.

5. Provide functions that will perform the same decoding and encoding as would be done by the system calls, for both bytes and str interfaces.

This differs from my previous proposal in three ways:

A. Doesn't put a marker at the beginning of the string (which I said wasn't necessary even then).

B. Allows for a choice of escape codepoint, the previous proposal suggested a specific one. But the final solution will only have a single one, not a user choice, but an implementation choice.

C. Uses the range U+0100 to U+01FF for the escape codes, rather than U+0000 to U+00FF. This avoids introducing the NULL character and escape characters into the decoded str representation, yet still uses characters for which glyphs are commonly available, are non-combining, and are easily distinguishable one from another.


The use of codepoints with visible glyphs makes the escaped string friendlier to display systems, and to people. I still recommend using U+003F as the escape codepoint, but certainly one with a typcially visible glyph available. This avoids what I consider to be an annoyance with the PEP, that the codepoints used are not ones that are easily displayed, so endecodable names could easily result in long strings of indistinguishable substitution characters.

Perhaps the escape character should be U+005C. ;-)

Windows users everywhere would love you for that one :)

It, like MRAB's proposal, also avoids data puns, which is a major problem with the PEP. I consider this proposal to be easier to understand than MRAB's proposal, or the PEP, because of the single escape codepoint and the use of visible characters.

This proposal, like my initial one, also decodes and encodes (just the escape codes) values on the str interfaces. This is necessary to avoid data puns on systems that provide both types of interfaces.

This proposal could be used for programs that use str values, and easily migrates to a solution that provides an object that provides an abstraction for system interfaces that have two forms.

Glenn -- http://nevcal.com/
A protocol is complete when there is nothing left to remove.
-- Stuart Cheshire, Apple Computer, regarding Zero Configuration Networking
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