Michael Foord wrote:
MRAB wrote:
Benjamin Peterson wrote:
2009/5/1 MRAB <goo...@mrabarnett.plus.com>:
I've just noticed an oddity in the key in PEP 0. Most letters are used
more than once. Wouldn't it be clearer if different letters were used
for "Accepted" and "Active" instead of them both being 'A', for example?

-> A - Accepted proposal
-> R - Rejected proposal
  W - Withdrawn proposal
-> D - Deferred proposal
  F - Final proposal
-> A - Active proposal
-> D - Draft proposal
-> R - Replaced proposal

Yes, that makes more sense. Would you like to submit a patch against
the PEP 0 generator? (It's in peps/pep0)

I'm still trying to think which letters to use!

P for Proposal (to replace Active Proposal)? Every active PEP is a proposal...

The full list is:

S - Standards Track PEP
I - Informational PEP
P - Process PEP

A - Accepted proposal
R - Rejected proposal
W - Withdrawn proposal
D - Deferred proposal
F - Final proposal
A - Active proposal
D - Draft proposal
R - Replaced proposal

using one letter from each set.

From looking more closely at the code:

Only 'Informational' or 'Process' PEPs can be 'Active'.

'Draft' and 'Active' are shown as a single space instead of 'D' or 'A'.


S - Standards Track PEP
I - Informational PEP
P - Process PEP

A - Accepted proposal
R - Rejected proposal
W - Withdrawn proposal
D - Deferred proposal
F - Final proposal
[A - Active proposal # blank, so can be omitted from key]
[D - Draft proposal  # blank, so can be omitted from key]
R - Replaced proposal

leaving just 'Rejected' and 'Replaced' to be disambiguated.
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