anatoly techtonik wrote:
It is impossible to edit roundup keywords and this takes away the
flexibility in selecting bugs related to a module/function/test or
some other aspect of development. For example, I need to gather all
subprocess bugs in one query
At the moment, search for 'subprocess' in text and component = library
returns 53 open issues. A quick scan of the titles suggests that about
40 are for the subprocess module. So changing the search to
'subprocess' in title might be better.
and things that won't be fixed in
deprecated os.popen() into another. In Trac I would use "subprocess"
and "os.popen" keywords. On ohloh I would add similar tags (if bugs
were software) without, but I can't do anything about Python roundup.
Is there any reason for such restriction?
If every module and built-in and keyword were added to the drop-down
list, it would be pretty long. But I agree that better sorting could
help. G. Polo, for one, made his own app to download canned search
results (for tk and idle) and store them in a local db, where he could
add annotations.
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