2009/6/7 Michael Foord <fuzzy...@voidspace.org.uk>:
> R. David Murray wrote:
>> [snip...]
>>> By the policy you propose, we could not have released 2.6 in October
>>> 2008, which we really really wanted to because Apple wanted us to.
>> I don't think the 2.6 release date is relevant to this discussion,
>> since 3.x hadn't been released at all at that point.  What I want to
>> avoid is people writing new code for 2.7 instead of 3.1 because they
>> want to take advantage of a nifty new feature that 3.1 doesn't have.
> But 3.1 is in feature freeze (py3k trunk) and it is not possible to check-in
> code for 3.2. Following this policy it would mean a feature freeze on trunk
> for an indefinite period of time.

And that's what we want to avoid, so we are discussing 3.2.

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