Paul Moore <> writes:

> 2009/7/2 Ben Finney <>:
> > I think that calling distutils an “install program” is confusing.
> > When I discuss distutils, I don't call it a program at all; it's a
> > library (or perhaps “framework”) that provides part of the job of
> > package installation.
> I agree, but I consider the fact that distutils "provides" python
> install means that it "is an install program" in some
> people's minds. These are the same people who complain about the lack
> of a distutils uninstall feature.

Well, I don't suffer from that confusion between the library and a
specific program, yet I still want distutils to support uninstall :-)
and hence am interested in seeing the fate of this PEP.

 \     “Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do |
  `\        it from religious conviction.” —Blaise Pascal (1623–1662), |
_o__)                                                   Pensées, #894. |
Ben Finney

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