M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> Dirkjan Ochtman wrote:
>  * Our tracker, checkin messages, online documentation and lots of
>    Python resources on the web are full of references to the
>    Subversion rXYZ notation of changesets.
>    The PEP has to provide some way to gracefully provide a redirect
>    from those URLs to the new ones (both for the source code browser
>    and the bug search tool on python.org).
>    The PEP will also have to address the same issue for checkin
>    messages. Perhaps by converting the rXYZ notation to the hash
>    based values during migration or by adding the has value after
>    the rXYZ value in parens ?!

I've asked this question before: Dirkjan indicated that he will be
writing a web redirection filter that translates from the SVN rXYZ
revision numbers to the Hg hash value that corresponds to that revision
in the history conversion.

I suggest that we also run a version of that redirection filter to remap
the old svn.python.org links in addition to making them accessible
through hg.python.org as Dirkjan proposed.


[1] http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2009-July/090397.html

Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
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