[It may be worth creating a patch; I think most of these comments
would be better on the bug-tracker.]

(1)  In a few cases, it looked like you were changing parameter names
between "files" and "filenames".  This might break code that was
calling it with keyword arguments -- as I typically would for this
type of function.

(1a)  If you are going to change the .sig, you might as well do it
right, and make the default be "knownfiles" rather than the empty

(2)  The comment about why inited was set true at the beginning of the
function instead of the end should probably be kept, or at least

(3) Default values:

(3a) Why the list of known files going back to Apache 1.2, in that
order?  Is there any risk in using too *new* of a MimeTypes file?

I would assume that the goal is to pick up whatever changes the user
has made locally, but in that case, it still makes sense to have the
newest file be the last one read, in case Apache has made bugfixes.

(3b)  Also, this would improve cross-platform consistency; if I read
that correctly, the Apache files will override the python defaults on
unix or a mac, but not on windows.  That will change the results on
the majority of items in _common_types.  (application vs text, whether
to put an x- in front of the word pict.)

(3c)  rtf is listed in non-standard, but
http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/ does define it.  (Though
whether to guess application vs text is not defined, and python
chooses differently from apache.)

(3d)  jpg is listed as non-standard.  It turns out that this is just
for the inverse mapping, where image/jpg is non-standard (for
image/jpeg) but that is worth a comment.  (see #5)

(3e)  In _types_map, the lines marked duplicates are duplicate keys,
not duplicate values; it would be more clear to also comment out the
(first) line itself, instead of just marking it a duplicate.  (Or
better yet, to mention that it is just being added for the inverse
mapping, if that is the case.)

(4)  Why bother to lazyinit?    Is there any sane usecase for a
MimeTypes that hasn't been inited?

I see value in not reading the default files, but none in not reading
at least the files that were asked for.  I could see value in only
partial initialization if there were several long steps, but right
now, initialization is all-or-nothing.

If the thing is useless without an init, then it makes sense to just
get done it immediately and skip the later checks; anyone who could
have actually saved time should just remove the import.

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