On 22/08/2009 7:09 PM, "Martin v. Löwis" wrote:
 From my POV, this would be required in some form or another before such
a scheme could actually work.  Without it we end up with an improved
win32text (good!)

I still think this would be actually bad.

Instead, a new extension should be written, with a name that does not
have "win32" as a substring, and that has no provision for guessing
line breaks by inspecting files.

To be clear, you are suggesting:

* Having hg enforce an extension as required is good.

* Python adopting win32text as that extension would be bad - instead another extension with different semantics (ie, no guessing based on file content) should be used, and enforced, instead.

Or have I misunderstood?

Assuming I am correct, I am inclined to agree - win32text may be "good enough" in the short term, but it is far from ideal.


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