Mark Dickinson wrote:
On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 1:44 AM, Nick Coghlan <> wrote:

Please could someone who understands the uses of IPNetwork better than
I do explain why the following wouldn't be a significant problem, if __eq__
and __hash__ were modified to disregard the .ip attribute as suggested:

linus = IPv4Network('')
snoopy = IPv4Network('')
fqdn = {linus: '', snoopy: ''}
fqdn[linus]  # expecting ''

Is this just a problem of education, teaching the users not to abuse
IPv4Network this way?  Or is this just an unlikely use of IPv4Network?
Or have I misunderstood the proposal altogether?

This gets at why I suggested the docs be organized as I suggested, with 'Network is range of addresses defined by address within range ...' and 'Definition address is retained' *immediately* followed by 'Definition address is mostly ignored, including for comparisons'. The latter caveat should mention the implication for hash() and set/dict membership. The point is to emphasize from the beginning that a network is a network (with an address, that many will ignore), rather than an address (with a network).

Terry Jan Reedy

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