Dne 20.9.2009 18:42, Antoine Pitrou napsal(a):
> Le Sun, 20 Sep 2009 10:33:23 -0600, Zooko O'Whielacronx a écrit :
>> By the way, I was investigating this, and discovered an issue on the
>> Mandriva tracker which suggests that they intend to switch to UCS4 in
>> the next release in order to avoid compatibility problems like these.
> Trying to use a Fedora or Suse RPM under Mandriva (or the other way 
> round) isn't reasonable and is certainly not supported.
> I don't understand why this so-called "compatibility problem" should be 
> taken seriously by anyone.

You're not making sense. No distro is an island - plus, upstream
distributors have a nasty habit of providing RPMs only for Fedora. I
don't see what is bad about improving compatibility in a place where the
setting doesn't hurt one way or the other.
Besides, the more compatibility we achieve now, the easier time we'll
have once python makes it into LSB


> Regards
> Antoine.
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