Terry Reedy wrote:
>>  In this model, a
>> get() method, or even a __getitem__ with s[k] is k, is only natural.
> No, if key and value were the same thing, the get method would be
> nonesense, as Guido said. But since they are not, since the implict key
> is an abstract class, retrieving the representative, perhaps canonical
> object given *any* member *is* natural. Being able to do so is also a
> standard practice in mathematics.

To formalise this invariant to some degree: given a set "s" and two
items "k1" and "k2", such that "k1 in s" and "k2 in s" and "k1 == k2",
there is a single item "k" in s such that "k1 == k" and "k2 == k".

If __getitem__ were to be provided by sets, then the last part of that
invariant could be written "s[k1] is s[k2]".

If you actually care about that aspect of the semantics for a particular
application, it would be far clearer to use a full dict() and live with
the additional memory usage. While I can see how saving that
pointer-per-entry might make sense in some circumstances, for most I
would see it as a needlessly confusing micro-optimisation.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
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