
all your points are valid -- for the experienced Python programmer who has 
stumbled across this issue already and solved it in one of several ways. All 
your points, however, do not support the "one obvious way to do it" philosophy 
of Python. It's all about making Python even more clean and beautiful.


Am Montag, 2. November 2009 06:29:00 schrieb Cameron Simpson:
> On 30Oct2009 20:43, Chris Bergstresser <ch...@subtlety.com> wrote:
> | On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 8:29 PM, Steven D'Aprano <st...@pearwood.info> 
> | >> > Iterating over an iterable is
> | >> > what iterators are for.
> | >
> | > set.get(), or set.pick() as Wikipedia calls it, isn't for iterating
> | > over sets. It is for getting an arbitrary element from the set.
> [...]
> | > The purpose is to
> | > return an arbitrary item each time it is called. If two threads get the
> | > same element, that's not a problem; if one thread misses an element
> | > because another thread grabbed it first, that's not a problem either.
> | > If people prefer a random element instead, I have no problem with
> | > that -- personally I think that's overkill, but maybe that's just me.
> |
> |    I also think returning a random one is overkill, in the base set.
> | And I'd have the base implementation do the simplest thing possible:
> | return a fixed element (either the first returned when iterated over,
> | or the last stored, or whatever's easiest based on the internals).
> | For me, leaving the choice of *which* element to return on each call
> | is a feature.  It allows subclasses to change the behavior to support
> | other use cases, like a random or round-robin behavior.
> Personally, I'm for the iteration spec in a lot of ways.
> Firstly, a .get()/.pick() that always returns the same element feels
> horrible. Is there anyone here who _likes_ it?
> Secondly, I think the thread-unsafe arguments are weak. Question: is the
> existing set iteration scheme thread safe? i.e. does it return a fresh
> iterator that a thread can happily use concurrently while another thread
> uses its own iterator?  (Absent set modifications). If the answer is yes,
> then I don't buy the thread-unsafe complaints - there are already plenty
> of thread unsafe things much as lots of iterators will break in the face
> of changes to the data structures over which they're iterating. If
> iter(set) gets you a safe iterator (absent set modification and multiple
> users of that iterator) then thread safe methods exist and are easy to
> use. No presently thread-safe program is going to be broken by adding an
> iterating .get() method.
> Thirdly, an iteration-like .get() is dead easy to provide: you just keep a
> _single_, cycling, internal iterator made on demand the same way __iter__
> already works. So why not do just do it? There's no need to construct it
> before anyone calls .get() the first time. Somewhat like:
>   def get(self):
>     for x in self:
>       return x
>     raise something here
> but not making a new iterator for every caller. Indeed, making a new
> iterater per caller, in addition to being expensive, might easily return
> the same element to every caller.
> Do anyone feel an iteration capable .get() unduely burdens subclasses
> that want to impement different .get()s? Both the suggested potential
> subclass choices (round robin and random) suggest iteration capable
> .get()s (presuming "random" means "shuffle order" rather than potentially
> returning the same element twice).
> Cheers,

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