Glenn Linderman <> writes:

> On approximately 11/14/2009 7:29 AM, came the following characters
> from the keyboard of Floris Bruynooghe:
> > Having a "Repository-URL", "Repository-Browse-URL" and a
> > "Bug-Tracker-URL" field in PyPI would be a lot more usefule then
> > comments and ratings.
> +1

Agreed, the above would be very useful.

> Here's a thought... if the author supplies the above URLs, then
> comments would be prevented, in favor of using the author-supplied
> system.

Others in this thread have pointed out that comments on the package
don't serve the same purpose as a bug tracker for the project. I don't
think you'll get that “either/or” suggestion to fly.

 \              “Programs must be written for people to read, and only |
  `\        incidentally for machines to execute.” —Abelson & Sussman, |
_o__)              _Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs_ |
Ben Finney

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