On Tue, 15 Dec 2009 09:32:55 +0000, Floris Bruynooghe
<floris.bruynoo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> If I write a shared library under C I am expected to install it under
> one of the default locations if I don't want to require people to have
> to tweak things before they can use it.  I see no difference with
> python modules or packages.  Any private modules or packages used by
> an application built using python don't have to be on the sys.path by
> default (in fact I would encourage them not to be).

Hi Floris.

Well Mark Hammond summed up for me - I'm satisfied with his answer.

You're talking about modules and packages and I agree with you.

I guess I was asking about was extending the set to of things
that could easily be dealt with by python from just modules/packages
to modules/packages + applications.

What do I mean by an application?, well it's one or two steps up from
the simple as 'helloworld.py'. There's lots of machines in the
company, and lots of different apps. Not unlike a scientific
area where there is lots of specialised equipment and each
machine has slightly different requirements as to its function.

Installing python is painless. That's all good.

Installing all the python-packages has a learning curve and isn't
very streamlined. In the end, it can be made to work.

Installing the application (helloworld.py for the want of a better
name), well, there isn't much in python to help there. 

I was thinking that perphaps sysconfig could help me get my
helloworld.py application into a \Program Files\hello world
directory and everything would be rosy.

But not yet. So I will wait.

> Distutils isn't perfect but solves the need of installing public
> modules and packages quite well.

If you say so - but compared to what ? CPAN? :-)

Have a nice day


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