On 22/01/2010 14:18, Karen Tracey wrote:
On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 7:38 AM, Michael Foord <fuzzy...@voidspace.org.uk <mailto:fuzzy...@voidspace.org.uk>> wrote:

    On 21/01/2010 21:21, "Martin v. Löwis" wrote:

            Where the default *file system encoding* is used (i.e.
            text files are
            written or read without specifying an encoding)

        I think you misunderstand the notion of the *file system
        It is *not* a "file encoding", but the file *system* encoding,
        the encoding for file *names*, not for file *content*.

        It was used on Windows for Windows 95; it is not used anymore
        on Windows
        (although it's still used on Unix).

    Ok, I'm just using the wrong terminology. I'm aware that mbcs is
    used for filename encoding on Windows (right?). The encoding I'm
    talking about is the encoding that Python uses to decode a file
    (or encode a string) when you do the following in Python 3:

       text = open(filename).read()
       open(filename, 'w').write(some_string)

    It isn't the default encoding (always utf-8 by default in Python 3
    apparently), it isn't the file system encoding which is the system
    encoding used for file names. What is the correct terminology for
    this platform dependent encoding that Python uses here?

The doc here: http://docs.python.org/3.1/library/functions.html?highlight=open#open just calls it default encoding and clarifies that is "whatever locale.getpreferredencoding() returns".

Heh, so we have two different encoding mechanisms both called "default encoding". One is always utf-8 in Python 3 and one is platform dependent... Great. :-)


    The important point is that it is platform dependent - so if you
    ship and use text files with your Python application and don't
    specify an encoding then it will work fine on some platforms and
    blow up or use the wrong encoding on other platforms.

Yes. If you ship text files with your Python application, then you'd best take care to know the encoding when you create them and specify it as the encoding to use when you open the file for reading by your application.


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