Terry Reedy <tjreedy <at> udel.edu> writes:
> Dreadfully rong. In general, the default encoding on my Windows *does 
> not work* on Python3 strings but causes
> UnicodeEncodeError:....
> If the text is not written to the file, it is completely non-portable.

You must mistake "portable" for something else. "Portable" doesn't mean it is
able to represent all possible unicode texts. It just means that it can be
carried from one computer to the other.

> If the text is not written to a file, it does not matter what the other 
> tool expects.

We are talking about file I/O, so *yes* the text is written to a file.

> Anyway, any tool that does not accept a complete unicode 
> encoding is not really compatible with Python3 strings.

Well, we are talking about the *default* encoding choices here. Whether the
tools can be configured to any other encoding is rather irrelevant.

> I disagree that the default behavior for a basic function should be to 
> not work.

Fine, but "not working" must be defined and it's quite clear that we don't
really agree about what it means.



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