> But I don't understand how this answers the question.  If the
> python26-zope.sendmail package doesn't run setup.py, then a
> python-zope.sendmail package where you specify at install time which
> directory to install the files to isn't going to run setup.py, either.
> If the only difference between a packaged python27-zope.sendmail and a
> packaged python26-zope.sendmail is the directory to which the files get
> written, why can't that be controlled at install time?

It certainly would be possible to copy the files into each Python's
site-packages. They have a system that does that in place, except that
it doesn't copy the files, but symlinks them.

> Well, I certainly don't want the conversation to take a few more months.
> I'm not against the PEP, I'm making my comments and asking my questions
> in the spirit of making it a high quality PEP.  If the motivation is
> "the Debian devs have concluded, after years of experimentation...",
> then I suppose that's what should go in the motivation section.

I guess Barry will have to explain what the problem with the current
scheme is.

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