Hey folks,

I'm going to write a PEP for inclusion of lib3to2 in the standard library
for 3.2 and above.  Before do, though, do people have any quick thoughts
about it?

My inclination is to get it stabilized beforehand (perhaps during another
GSoC) by fleshing out the fixer that warns about backwards-incompatible
features in Python 3 and by finishing up the fix_imports2 fixer, probably
involving a rewrite.

http://bitbucket.org/amentajo/lib3to2 is where the source is hosted (there's
a separate branch for 3.1)
http://www.startcodon.com/wordpress/?cat=8 is where I blog about it.
http://pypi.python.org/pypi/3to2 is the PyPI page that has both of those

--Joe Amenta
Python-Dev mailing list

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