I may be missing the point, but ISTM that the assumption of this
approach is that there are often collisions in the hash table. I think
that assumption is false; at least, I recommend to validate that
assumption before proceeding.

It's just an experiment for a class, not something I am (yet)
seriously thinking about contributing back to CPython.  I think my
chances of improving over the current implementation are slim.  I do
not have that much hubris.  :)  I would just rather do experimental
rather than theoretical work with data structures.

I think you're right about the number of collisions, though.  CPython
dicts use a pretty low load factor (2/3) to keep collision counts

There was a paper discussing Python dicts at PyCon 2010. I believe it included some data on collisions. I posted the link on Python list a couple of weeks ago.

Terry Jan Reedy

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