Brian Quinlan writes:

 > If you are familiar with threads then writing a "good enough" solution  
 > without futures probably won't take you very long. Also, unless you  
 > are familiar with another futures implementation, you aren't likely to  
 > know where to look.

That looks like an argument *against* your module, to me.  Why would
people look for it in the stdlib if they're not looking for it at all,
and specifically because anybody who would know enough to look for
"something like" it is also able to devise a good-enough solution?
You're describing a solution in search of a user, not a user in search
of a solution, and it would appear to violate "not every three-line
function" as well as TOOWTDI.

I personally plan to defer to the people who know and use such
constructs (specifically Glyph and Jesse), and who seem to be in favor
(at least +0) of stabilizing an API for this in the stdlib.  But you
may want to rethink your sales pitch if you want to avoid giving ammo
to the opposition.  It sounds like you agree with them, except on the
vote you cast.<wink>

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