Nick Coghlan writes:

 > Those that say "just put it on PyPI"

Nobody is saying that, AFAICS.  Nobody is saying that *some* futures
module shouldn't *eventually* go into the stdlib.

The question is whether *this* futures module should go into the
stdlib *now*.  And it is clear that more time on PyPI would provide
valuable information.  This is a general principle that has served us
well: put best current practice backed up by actual widespread usage
in the stdlib, not theoretical wins based on the developer's
experience.  PyPI is a way to broaden usage to determine BCP, not an
end in itself.

People have been asking "what's special about this module, to violate
the BCP principle?"  There's nothing special about the fact that
several people would use a "robust and debugged" futures module if it
were in the stdlib.  That's true of *every* module that is worth a
PEP.  But remember, in the case of ipaddr it was the people who wanted
some such module badly who were also the most vocal opponents, because
they could see offhand that it was going to serve their use cases
badly.  (It turned out that this was equally trivial to fix despite a
week of hot debate, and everyone lived happily ever after.  But that
was smiling Luck, not inexorable Fate.)  For this module, three people
have said "I 'would have' used it if it were available," but none of
you has announced that you've started refactoring and the PEP 3148 API
meets all expectations.  I call that "damning with faint praise".

OTOH, Glyph has changed from "why not more time on PyPI?" to "let's
see if we can improve this a bit, then let's do it".  He has published
code (showing how to turn futures into Twisted Deferreds), and argues
that based on download stats to date and the nature of the use cases
it would take a lot of time on PyPI to demonstrate a BCP.  Those are
good arguments for an exception, IMHO.

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