On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 8:44 AM, anatoly techtonik <techto...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 8:07 AM, Stephen Thorne <step...@thorne.id.au> wrote:
>>> We are also attempting to enable tax-deductible fund raising to increase
>>> the likelihood of David's finding support. Perhaps we need to think
>>> about a broader campaign to increase the quality of the python 3
>>> libraries. I find it very annoying that the #python IRC group still has
>>> "Don't use Python 3" in it's topic.  They adamantly refuse to remove it
>>> until there is better library support, and they are the guys who see the
>>> issues day in day out so it is hard to argue with them (and I don't
>>> think an autocratic decision-making process would be appropriate).
>> Yes, #python keeps the text "It's too early to use Python 3.x" in its topic.
>> Library support is the only reason.
> I do not know what are you intending to do, but my opinion that fund
> raising for patching library is a waste of money. PSF should
> concentrate on enhancing tools to make lives of library supporters
> easier. I do not want to become a maintainer, and I believe there was
> a lot of spam about this topic from me. The latest thread was in
> http://bugs.python.org/issue9008 in short:

Awesome. I plan on wasting as much money on the useless effort of
moving python 3 forward as humanly possible.
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