> I hate to reply with a simple +1 - but I've heard this pain and
> proposal from a frightening number of people, something which allowed
> you to use bytes with some of the sting methods would go a really long
> way to solving a lot of peoples python 3 pain. I don't relish the idea
> that once people start moving over, there might be a billion
> implementations of "things like this".

My concern with it would be creating the temptation to use these new
objects that can't tolerate multibyte or variable character length
encodings when the general string type was more relevant (thus to some
degree perpetuating Python 2.x issues with incomplete Unicode

Perhaps if people could identify which specific string methods are
causing problems? In 3.2, there really aren't that many differences
between the available methods for strings and bytes:

>>> set(dir(str)) - set(dir(bytes))
{'isprintable', 'format', '__mod__', 'encode', 'isidentifier',
'_formatter_field_name_split', 'isnumeric', '__rmod__', 'isdecimal',
>>> set(dir(bytes)) - set(dir(str))
{'decode', 'fromhex'}


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
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