On 25.06.2010 20:58, Brett Cannon wrote:
On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 01:53, Scott Dial
Placing .so files together does not simplify that install process in any
way. You will still have to handle such packages in a special way. You
must still compile the package multiple times for each relevant version
of python (with special tagging that I imagine distutils can take care
of) and, worse yet, you have created a more trick install than merely
having multiple search paths (e.g., installing/uninstalling lxml for
*one* version of python is actually more difficult in this scheme).

This is meant to be used by distros in a programmatic fashion, so my
response is "so what?" Their package management system is going to
maintain the directory, not a person. You and I are not going to be
using this for anything. This is purely meant for Linux OS vendors
(maybe OS X) to manage their installs through their package software.
I honestly do not expect human beings to be mucking around with these
installs (and I suspect Barry doesn't either).

Placing files for a distribution in a version-independent path does help distributions handling file conflicts, detecting duplicates and with moving files between different (distribution) packages.

Having non-conflicting extension names is a schema which already is used on some platforms (debug builds on Windows). The question for me is, if just a renaming of the .so files is acceptable for upstream, or if distributors should implement this on their own, as something like:

  if ext_path.startswith('/usr/') and not ext_path.startswith('/usr/local/'):

I fear this will cause issues when e.g. virtualenv environments start copying parts from the system installation instead of symlinking it.

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