On 07/07/2010 21:54, Georg Brandl wrote:
Am 07.07.2010 20:12, schrieb Barry Warsaw:
On Jul 07, 2010, at 07:30 PM, Georg Brandl wrote:

Overall, I think that we can make stdlib docstrings valid reST -- even
if it's reST without much markup -- but valid, so that people pulling
in stdlib doc- strings into Sphinx docs won't get ugly warnings.

What I would *not* like to see is heavy markup and Sphinx specifics --
that would only make sense if we included the docstrings in the docs,
and I don't see that coming.
Does it make sense to add (reST-style) epydoc markup for API signatures?

def create_foo(name, parent=None):
     """Create the named foo.

     The named foo must not already exist, but if optional `parent` is given,
     it must exist.

     :param name: The name of the new foo.
     :type name: string
     :param parent: The new foo's parent.  If given, this must exist.
     :type parent: string
     :return: The new foo.
     :rtype: `Foo`
     :raises BadFooNameError: when `name` is illegal.
     :raises FooAlreadyExistsError: when a foo with `name` already exists.
     :raises BadParentError: when the foo's parent does not exist.

We could then generate automatic API docs from this, a la:

Yes, but: do we want this?

-1 :-)

I find those epydoc style framed API docs very hard to read and navigate. On the other hand autogenerated API docs *can* be good looking and usable.



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