On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 1:58 AM, stefan brunthaler
<ste...@brunthaler.net> wrote:
>> Do I understand correctly that you modify the byte code of modules/functions
>> at runtime?
> Yes. Quickening is runtime only optimization technique that rewrites
> instructions from a generic instruction to an optimized derivative
> (orignally for the Java virtual machine). It is completely hidden from
> the compiler and has no other dependencies than the interpreter
> dispatch routine itself.

How do you generate the specialized opcode implementations?
Presumably that is done ahead of time, or you'd have to use a JIT,
which is what you're avoiding.

I'm guessing from your comments below about cross-module inlining that
you generate a separate .c file with the specialized opcode bodies and
then call through to them via a table of function pointers indexed by
opcode, but I could be totally wrong.  :)

> Another benefit of using my technique is that a compiler could decide
> to inline all of the functions of the optimized derivatives (e.g., the
> float_add function call inside my FLOAT_ADD interpreter instruction).
> Unfortunately, however, gcc currently does not allow for cross-module
> inlining (AFAIR). (Preliminary tests with manually changing the
> default inlining size for ceval.c resulted in speedups of up to 1.3 on
> my machine, so I think inlinling of function bodies for the optimized
> derivatives would boost performance noticeably.)

There are a variety of solutions to getting cross-module inlining
these days.  Clang+LLVM support link-time optimization (LTO) via a
plugin for gold.  GCC has LTO and LIPO as well.

>> Such an approach would also be very useful for Cython. Think of a profiler
>> that runs a program in CPython and tells you exactly what static type
>> annotations to put where in your Python code to make it compile to a fast
>> binary with Cython. Or, even better, it could just spit out a .pxd file that
>> you drop next to your .py file and that provides the static type information
>> for you.

This would be interesting.  We have (obviously) have similar
instrumentation in unladen swallow to gather type feedback.  We talked
with Craig Citro about finding a way to feed that back to Cython for
exactly this reason, but we haven't really pursued it.

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