On 29/07/2010 07:32, Daniel Waterworth wrote:

I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, I certainly didn't expect it. If
you create a file called test.py with the following contents,

The issue is that when your code is executed as a script it is run as the __main__ module and not as the test module. When you import test you then import the same module with a different name - and your Test class is recreated (so __main__.Test is then different from test.Test). When you import your code as test and it then reimports itself it is only created once.

This *is* expected behaviour (not a bug), but it frequently confuses even relatively experienced programmers (it can happen by accident and cause hard to track down bugs) and I personally think that Python would be improved by issuing a warning if a __main__ script reimports itself.

All the best,

Michael Foord

class Test:

def test_1():
     import test
     print Test == test.Test

if __name__ == '__main__':

and then run it ($ python test.py), it'll print False. Now try:

import test

and it'll print True. Is this behaviour expected? What was the
rationale for it if is?




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