On 04/08/2010 18:53, "Martin v. Löwis" wrote:
It happens when running test_smtplib before test_smtpb:
Nice! How did you work that out? I'd like to learn how to diagnose
this sort of thing, because it seems to come up a lot, and I'm not
much use at the moment :-)
I simply tried to run test_smtplib before test_smtpd.
A more deterministic (and more tedious) way is this: if you
suspect that some failure might be due to the order of test cases,
take a build log from the build bot where it fails, and run the tests
in the exact same order. See whether the problem reproduces.

If it does, drop tests from the test sequence until you end up with
the minimum number of tests that you need to run in sequence (and yes,
I had interworkings of three test modules at some point).

A colleague in a previous job wrote a tool that would repeat a test sequence using a binary chop to find test interactions... It could take a while to run, but was usually faster than manually trying to find them (assuming educated guessing had already failed).


Of course, educated guessing can accelerate the process.

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