On 23/09/2010 13:28, "Martin v. Löwis" wrote:
add relevant keywords to make it easier to find in searches
-0. Going through old issues just to make sure the keywords are right
seems wasteful.

Hard as it may be to believe, we do have (and are trying to cultivate)
people who want to contribute to Python and start by searching for
issues at the bug tracker.

Sure. However, on any specific search, many issues come up already.
So people searching for stuff to do will easily find tasks already.

Seems to me that the distinction to be made here is between activity
which might, to some, appear a waste of time (eg setting flags and versions
on existing calls) but which at worst provides no benefit and in fact
might help someone narrow down a search more easily; and activity
which is simply flatus vocis and which actually distracts or irritates.

Individuals' thresholds clearly vary.

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