Okay, so let's summarize this thread so far: Martin is in favor of removing some tags (certainly partial ones), but is -0 on renaming them. Tres is in favor of renaming release tags. Georg advocates removing non-release tags, and doesn't care much about renaming. Barry would like to clean up release tag names (either dotted or hexversion). Alexander is +1 on renaming tags on the premise that "r311" tags conflict with "r42543" SVN rev notation. Antoine is in favor of renaming tags on the premise that using hg log -rr311 is awkward in comparison to -r3.1.1.
So it seems like most people here like the idea of renaming the tags. Martin and Georg would also like to get rid of some of the non-release tags, but it's unclear if we should get rid of all non-release tags or just the partial ones. Below is a grouped list. Based on that list, I propose the following scheme: - keep all "normal" release tags, renamed along these lines: r27 -> 2.7 r266 -> 2.6.6 r27rc2 -> 2.7rc2 r262c1 -> 2.6.2rc1 (rc and c should be normalized into the same thing, don't care which one) r30b3 -> 3.0b3 release22 -> 2.2 - keep Mac release tags that don't have the top-level Mac dir, renamed along these lines: r23b1-mac -> 2.3b1-mac - get rid of "special" release tags and Mac release tags with top-level Mac dir - get rid of email and distutils tags - get rid of all other tags Does that make sense? Cheers, Dirkjan ========================================== "Normal" release tags: r32a2 r266 r266rc2 r266rc1 r32a1 r27 r27rc2 r27rc1 r27b2 r27b1 r312 r265 r265rc2 r312rc1 r27a4 r265rc1 r27a3 r255 r255c2 r255c1 r27a2 r27a1 r311 r264 r264rc2 r264rc1 r263 r263rc1 r311rc1 r31 r31rc2 r31rc1 r31b1 r262 r262c1 r31a2 r31a1 r301 r254 r253 r246 r253c1 r246c1 r261 r30 r30rc3 r30rc2 r26 r26rc2 r30rc1 r26rc1 r30b3 r26b3 r26b2 r30b2 r26b1 r30b1 r26a3 r30a5 r26a2 r30a4 r237 r245 r237c1 r245c1 r30a3 r26a1 r252 r252c1 r251c1 r30a2 r30a1 r251 r236 r236c1 r244 r244c1 r25 r25c2 r25c1 r25b3 r25b2 r25b1 r25a2 r25a1 r25a0 r243 r243c1 r242 r242c1 r241 r241c2 r241c1 r235 r235c1 r24 r24c1 r24b2 r24b1 r24a3 r24a2 r24a1 r234 r234c1 r233 r233c1 r232 r232c1 r231 r23 r23c2 r23c1 r23b2 r09b1 r223 r223c1 r23b1 r23a2 r09a2 r09a1 r23a1 r09a0 r222 r222b1 r221 r213 r22p1 r221c2 r221c1 r212 r212c1 r22c1 r22b2 r22b1 r22a4 r22a3 r22a2 r211 r22a1 r211c1 r201 r201c1 r21c2 r21c1 r21b2 r21b1 r161 r21a2 r21a1 r20c1 r20b2 r20b11 r20b1 r16b1 r16a2 r16a1 r152 r152c1 r06 r152b2 r152b1 r01 r152a2 r152a1 r151 r15b2 r15b1 r15a4 r15a3 r15a2 r15a1 r14beta3 r14beta2 r14beta1 r13beta1 r12beta4 r12beta3 r12beta2 r12beta1 release22 release21 release20 release16 release15 release14 release13 release12 release111 release11 release102 release101 release100 release099 release098 "Special" release tags: release152p1-branch-tag r09a2nt r16b1-win r15a4near r22b1-docs-prep r22a3-docs-prep r22a2-docs-prep r23a1-fork r23rc1-fork r23b2-fork r23b1-fork r23a2-fork r22b2-fork r22rc1-fork r22a2-fork r22b1-fork r22a4-fork r22a3-fork release24-fork release23-fork release22-fork release152p2 (docs only) release152p1 (docs only) release152 (docs only) release152b2 (docs only) release152b1 (docs only) release152a1 (docs only) release151p1 (docs only) Mac releases: r23b1-mac r222-mac r23-mac r22c1-mac r22b2-mac r22b1-mac release22-mac mac102 r22c1-macmergefromtrunk (Mac dir) release22-macmerge (Mac dir) mac152c1 (Mac dir) mac152b1 (Mac dir) mac151 (Mac dir) mac210 (Mac dir) mac210b2 (Mac dir) mac210b1a (Mac dir) mac210b1 (Mac dir) mac210a3 (Mac dir) mac210a1 (Mac dir) mac200 (Mac dir) mac200b1 (Mac dir) distutils tags (distutils only): Distutils-1_0_3 Distutils-1_0_2 Distutils-1_0_1 Distutils-1_0 Distutils-0_9_4 Distutils-0_9_3 Distutils-0_9_2 Distutils-0_9_1 Distutils-0_9 Distutils-0_8_2 Distutils-0_8_1 Distutils-0_8 Distutils-0_1_5 Distutils-0_1_4 Distutils-0_1_3-branch Distutils-0_1_3 Distutils-0_1_2 Distutils-0_1_1 Distutils-0_1 email tags (email only): email_Release_2_5_6 email_Release_2_5_5 email_Release_2_5_3 email_Release_2_5_2 email_Release_2_5_1 email_Release_2_5 email_Release_2_5b1 email_Release_2_4_3 email_Release_2_4_2 email_Release_2_4_1 email_Release_2_4 email_Release_2_3_1 email_Release_2_3 email_Release_2_2 email_Release_2_1 Release_2_0_4 email_Release_2_0_5 Other tags: r25a0/trunk py3k-before-rstdocs py26-before-rstdocs before-ast-merge-to-head mrg_to_ast-branch_15OCT05 IDLE-syntax-root merged_from_MAIN_07JAN05 mrg_to_ast-branch_05JAN05 pre-sf-818006 bsddb_version_4_3_0 tim-doctest-closed tim-doctest-merge-24a2 pre-sf-1149508 start-sf-965425 before-ast-merge-from-head bsddb_version_4_2_4 pybsddb_after_bsddb42_01 pybsddb_before_bsddb42 bsddb_version_4_1_6 anthony-parser-branchpoint IDLELIB_CREATED COPY_TO_PYTHON mrg_to_ast-branch_24APR03 cache-attr-fork LAST_OLD_IDLE before-bgen-pep252 py-cvs-2002_09_13-merged py-cvs-2002_09_13 MERGED_FROM_DS_RPC_13SEP02 MERGED_TO_MAIN_13SEP02 PRE_DS_RPC_MERGE BEFORE_RESTART final_classic_builds TAG_pre_teyc_gvr_rpc_patch final_CW6_projects universal_headers_332 before-carbon-package after-descr-branch-merge date2001-08-01 date2001-07-30 date2001-07-28 IDLEFORK_081_RELEASE date2001-07-21 date2001-07-17b date2001-07-17a date2001-07-16 date2001-07-15 py-cvs-2001_07_13-merged py-cvs-2001_07_13 py-cvs-rel2_1-merged date2001-07-13 py-cvs-rel2_1 py-cvs-2000_03_09 descr-fork date2001-07-06 base-VP-idle merged-with-main-repository after-call-reorg before-call-reorg pre_amk last_cw_pro_53 last_68k_projects cw_pro_5 arelease pre_GUSI2 pre-unicode idle05 pre_0_2_breakage mx_builder-alpha2 pre-string-meths idle-r02 PYIDE_APR98 PYTHONSCRIPT_0_5b1 OSAM_APR98 BBPY_0_2_3 lastoldnames lastoldname cwisync1 cnrisync2 chameleon-1 cnrisync proof3 proof2 proof1 mhammond last099 pre_jh v0_10 (docs only) v0_09 (docs only) v0_08 (docs only) v0_07 (docs only) v0_06 (docs only) Public_Release_20-Aug-1998 (one file only) Public_Release_27-Mar-1998 (one file only) Public_13-Mar-1998 (one file only) Public_11-Mar-1998 (one file only) Beta_20-Aug-1996 (one file only) Beta_09-Aug-1996 (one file only) Beta_05-Jul-1996 (one file only) Beta_15-Mar-1995-#2 (one file only) Beta_15-Mar-1995 (one file only) Beta_14-Mar-1995-#3 (one file only) Beta_14-Mar-1995-#2 (one file only) Beta_14-Mar-1995 (one file only) Beta_20-Mar-1995 (one file only) Public_05-Jul-1995 (one file only) Release_1_0 (one file only) Release_0_1 (one file only) Python_1_2_release (one file only) Python1_4final (one file only) r1_95_2 (partial) _______________________________________________ Python-Dev mailing list Python-Dev@python.org http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-dev Unsubscribe: http://mail.python.org/mailman/options/python-dev/archive%40mail-archive.com