On 22/10/2010 08:20, Paul Moore wrote:
On 22 October 2010 04:31, Ron Adam<r...@ronadam.com>  wrote:
When it's in the stdlib, the -m option should work just like any other
script run from the stdlib.

What path hacking are you thinking of?
On Windows, neither the "python" executable nor scripts in
C:\Pythonxx\Scripts are in the PATH by default. On the other hand, .py
files will run automatically via the registered file extension.

Manipulating PATH at install time (to add C:\PythonXX and/or
C:\PythonXX\Scripts) is not done - it is (rightly, in my view)
considered too difficult to get right, particularly when it comes to

Many Windows users will, I guess, manually add python to PATH (so that
python-m works). Some people also add C:\PythonXX\Scripts. Personally,
I don't - so for me a pysetup script in that location would be no use.

Well, that is where pip and other scripts installed by Python go, so it is the 'right' place for scripts to live.

Any reason not to allow both though? (python -m and an explicit script)

For what its worth I have the same issue with unittest / unittest2. Test discovery and test running in Python 2.7 / 3.2 is done with:

python -m unittest args

As unittest2 is a package and supports Python 2.6 (and earlier), python -m unittest2 doesn't work so I provide a "unit2" script for accessing its functionality. I *much* prefer using "unit2 ..." to "python -m unittest ...".


So my personal vote is +1 for a python -m approach, and -0 for a
pysetup executable. I'm -1 on a pysetup.bat batch file - bat files
have other issues which IMO make them effectively useless.

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