M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> Hirokazu Yamamoto wrote:
>> Hello. I found several codes using PyMem_Free to free
>> allocated memory with PyMem_MALLOC (ie: PyUnicode_AsWideCharString)
>> Is it safe?
> Within the interpreter: yes.
> In extensions: depends on the platform, but probably not.
> The macros provide faster access to the C lib malloc calls.
> The functions need to be used in extensions in case the interpreter will
> free the resource or the extension wants to free an interpreter
> allocated resource. They provide access to the malloc calls
> used by the interpreter, which may operate on a different heap
> than the extensions.
> Within an extension the macros use the extension heap.
> A subtle, but important difference.

BTW: If you were referring to extensions using PyMem_Free()
to deallocate memory allocated in the interpreter using
PyMem_MALLOC(), then that's exactly how things should be

I was referring to use of the two mentioned APIs within
an extension.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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