On 07:58 pm, br...@python.org wrote:
I don't think a strict don't remove without deprecation policy is
workable. �For example, is trace.rx_blank constant part of the trace
module API that needs to be preserved indefinitely? �I don't even know
if it is possible to add a deprecation warning to it, but
CoverageResults._blank_re would certainly be a better place for it.

The deprecation policy obviously cannot apply to module-level attributes.

I'm not sure why this is.  Can you elaborate?

The main reason I have said that non-underscore names should be
properly deprecated (assuming they are not contained in an
underscored-named module) is that dir() and help() do not distinguish.
If you are perusing a module from the interpreter prompt you have no
way to know whether something is public or private if it lacks an
underscore. Is it reasonable to assume that any API found through
dir() or help() must be checked with the official docs before you can
consider using it, even if you have no explicit need to read the
official docs?

I (unfortunately) say no, which is why I have argued that
non-underscored names need to be properly deprecated. This obviously
places a nasty burden on us, though, so I don't like taking this
position. Unless we can make it clearly known through help() or
something that the official docs must be checked to know what can and
cannot be reliably used I don't think it is reasonable to force users
to not be able to rely on help() (we should probably change help() to
print a big disclaimer for anything with a leading underscore,

But that doesn't mean we can't go through, fix up our names, and
deprecate the old public names; that's fair game in my book.


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