I created http://bugs.python.org/issue10435 to follow up on unicode C
API issues.

On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 10:38 AM, M.-A. Lemburg <m...@egenix.com> wrote:
> Alexander Belopolsky wrote:
>> What this thread has shown is that there is no consensus on what
>> public names are and what rules should be followed when changing names
>> that can be imported from a module.  I have opened an issue at
>> http://bugs.python.org/issue10434 to address this.  My vote is to
>> adopt the definition spelled out in the language reference, copy it to
>> the library manual and add some discussion of the deprecation
>> policies.
>> I also have a similar question about C API.  Here, in absence of
>> __all__, the answer should be clear: all symbols in public header
>> files should start with either _Py_ or Py_ and those that start with
>> Py_ are public.   The question is what should be done with names that
>> start with Py_, but are not documented?  Can we add an underscore to
>> those names?  If so, should a (deprecated) alias be made available?
>> Should they be documented as deprecated?
>> I think these questions can only be answered on a case by case bases
>> which choices being:
>> 1. Document.
>> 2. Document as deprecated.
>> 3. Document as deprecated, add underscore prefix and retain a deprecated 
>> alias.
>> 4. Add an underscore prefix.
>> The specific set of names that I would like to consider is the
>> following from unicode.h.  I am marking with (*) the names that I
>> think should be documented and with (D) those that should be
>> deprecated:
>> PyUnicode_GetMax
>> PyUnicode_Resize (*)
>> PyUnicode_InternImmortal
>> PyUnicode_FromOrdinal (*)
>> PyUnicode_GetDefaultEncoding (D)
>> PyUnicode_AsDecodedObject
>> PyUnicode_AsDecodedUnicode
>> PyUnicode_AsEncodedObject
>> PyUnicode_AsEncodedUnicode
>> PyUnicode_BuildEncodingMap
>> PyUnicode_EncodeDecimal (*)
>> PyUnicode_Append (*)
>> PyUnicode_AppendAndDel (*)
>> PyUnicode_Partition (*)
>> PyUnicode_RPartition (*)
>> PyUnicode_RSplit (*)
>> PyUnicode_IsIdentifier (*)
>> Py_UNICODE_strlen
>> Py_UNICODE_strcpy
>> Py_UNICODE_strcat
>> Py_UNICODE_strncpy
>> Py_UNICODE_strcmp
>> Py_UNICODE_strncmp
>> Py_UNICODE_strchr
>> Py_UNICODE_strrchr
> For Unicode, unicodeobject.h defines which APIs are private or not.
> APIs which don't appear in the header file are either private or
> need to be added to the header file (but I don't think there are
> any in this category).
> All APIs in the header that do not appear in the documentation,
> should be added there as well. unicodeobject.h already provides
> documentation for most of the APIs you've listed above (except some
> new ones that were added later on).
> One API I'm not sure about is PyUnicode_AppendAndDel(). It's somewhat
> obscure and given that we already have PyUnicode_Concat(), I think
> it should be made private and eventually dropped.
> --
> Marc-Andre Lemburg
> eGenix.com
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