Am 17.11.2010 12:57, schrieb Michael Foord:
On 17/11/2010 11:45, Nick Coghlan wrote:
The definition of the public/private policy in all its gory detail
should be in PEP 8 as Guido suggests.


Guido did not said that, though. I'm with Fred and other people that agree that PEPs should be more-less immutable. Let's make a new document (PEP 88?). The reasoning was well laid out here:

Have we agreed the policy though?

Everybody has their own opinion on the matter. This discussion thread is getting too fractured to actually get us far enough with the conclusions. Let's make a PEP and discuss concrete wording on a concrete proposal.

The library documentation may then contain a note about the difference
in compatibility guarantees for public and private APIs, say that any
interface and behaviour documented in the manual qualifies as public,
then point readers to PEP 8 for the precise details.


Yes, point to PEP 88.

Best regards,
Łukasz Langa

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