On Fri, Dec 03, 2010 at 11:52:41PM +0100, "Martin v. Löwis" wrote:
> Am 03.12.2010 23:48, schrieb Éric Araujo:
> >> But I'm not interested at all in having it in distutils2. I want the
> >> Python build itself to use it, and alas, I can't because of the freeze.
> > You can’t in 3.2, true.  Neither can you in 3.1, or any previous
> > version.  If you implement it in distutils2, you have very good chances
> > to get it for 3.3.  Isn’t that a win?
> It is, unfortunately, a very weak promise. Until distutils2 is
> integrated in Python, I probably won't spend any time on it.
At the language summit it was proposed and seemed generally accepted (maybe
I took silence as consent... it's been almost a year now) that bold new
modules (and bold rewrites of existing modules since it fell out of the
distutils/2 discussion) should get implemented in a module on pypi before
being merged into the python stdlib.  If you wouldn't want to work on any of
those modules until they were actually integrated into Python, it sounds
like you disagree with that as a general practice?


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