Victor Stinner <> wrote:
> Le lundi 20 décembre 2010 12:08:35, Stefan Krah a écrit :
> > I think the output is not particularly informative:
> > 
> > $ ./python Lib/test/crashers/
> > (<object object at 0x7f01827ad870>, <NULL>, <NULL>, <NULL>, <NULL>, <NULL>,
> > <NULL>, <NULL>, <NULL>, <NULL>) Fatal Python error: Segmentation fault
> > 
> > Traceback (most recent call first):
> >   File "Lib/test/crashers/", line 29 in g
> >   File "Lib/test/crashers/", line 32 in <module>
> > Segmentation fault
> > Segmentation fault
> The backtrace is valid. Don't you think that this backtrace is more useful 
> than just "Segmentation fault"?

Perhaps I misunderstood, but I thought the purpose of the patch was to
let developers act more quickly on bug reports. I wonder if this output
really speeds up the process.

Do you have an example bug where this patch helps in finding the precise
location of a segfault?

> Patch version 9 doesn't call the previous handler. Please retry with patch 
> version 10 (which call the previous handler).

I did use version 10. I've verified the same behavior with a fresh py3k
checkout and this patch:

$ md5sum segfault_handler-10.patch
e1b5a9439d2b51d0a63f701dd694796d  segfault_handler-10.patch

My machine currently has a load average of 2. Perhaps you'll be able to
reproduce it if you crank up the load average.

Stefan Krah

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