On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 07:01, Simon Cross
<hodgestar+python...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 2:34 PM, Victor Stinner
> <victor.stin...@haypocalc.com> wrote:
>>  (a) Python 3 doesn't support non-ASCII module names
> -0: I'm vaguely against this being supported because I'd rather not
> have to deal with what happens when the guess regarding the filesystem
> encoding is wrong. On the other hand, a general encouragement to stick
> to ASCII module names is probably functionally equivalent without
> imposing a hard restriction.

-0 from me (unless the Unicode variable naming PEP says otherwise).

>>  (b) Python 3 doesn't support unencodable characters in the module path
> +1: It'd be nice if Python could import modules regardless of what
> folder names people happen to have on their module path.

+1 from me as well (nervously hoping importlib already supports it  =) .
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