On 03/03/2011 13:45, Benjamin Peterson wrote:
2011/3/3 Sümer Cip<sum...@gmail.com>:
1) define PyModuleDef
2) change PyString_AS_STRING calls  to _PyUnicode_AsString
Aside: Please don't use private APIs in Python extensions. Esp.
the above Unicode API is likely going to be phased out.

You're better off, using PyUnicode_AsUTF8String() instead and
then leaving the PyString_AS_STRING() macro in place.
In the standart Python 3.2 source tree, Modules/_lsprof.c uses that internal
function _PyUnicode_AsString. Internal means internal to the whole
distribution here I think?. But IMHO, this should not be the case, C API
modules in the standart dist. should not use internal functions of other
areas. Like in the example: cProfile code has nothing to do with the Unicode
internals. New developers like me, are in need a consistent examples of
usage of Python C API, especially on Python 3.2.
I'm not sure why what C-API is used in Python's extension modules
needs to be anyway to you.

I think its fair enough to point out the inconsistency in python-dev declaring that authors *should not* use certain parts of the C-API in extensions whilst using them in the extensions python-dev is responsible for...



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