On 05/03/2011 22:18, "Martin v. Löwis" wrote:
Am 05.03.2011 19:26, schrieb Michael Foord:
On 28/02/2011 21:59, "Martin v. Löwis" wrote:
That's one of the big advantages that Jenkins (nee Hudson) has over
buildbot - drilling down into individual test failures through the
web ui. Your test run needs to generate appropriate xml for that to
work though.
Buildbot can do this too.  It can even do it without xml, although it
does need *some* parseable format, which I think the Python test suite
is a long way from.

That would be a great improvement to the Python buildbot infrastructure.
So would you be willing to contribute the necessary changes?
To whom was this addressed? If to me I have the desire but lack the
I honestly believe that you do have the skill, but perhaps lack the
knowledge (and yes, I meant to suggest that you work on this).
Yes, that's what I meant.

I'd be also willing to help you getting started, especially assuming
you would want to sprint on that during PyCon.

Sprints will be an ideal opportunity.

All the best,




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