Thomas Wouters wrote:

I would much rather loudly warn people to fix their code, instead of forcing
other implementations (and, more importantly to me personally, future
CPython changes :) to deal with the distinction forever. But if we declare a
wrapper to be the right way to deal with this, let's at least do it right,
not half-assed again. And if we do add the nondescriptor wrapper for that, I
wonder if there are still cases where staticmethods should be callable; it
seems to me it would have no real benefit, and it would lure people into a
false sense of security when mistakenly using staticmethod as the wrapper
(which is, after all, a lot more visible.)

The primary benefit to my mind is two avoid breaking the Principle of Least Astonishment (PLA). Given:

class C(object):
    def spam():

spam looks like a callable. It is a callable when referenced via C.spam or C().spam. But inside the class block, it isn't callable. That comes as an unpleasant surprise to anyone who, like me, has tried to use a staticmethod as a helper function during class construction:

class C(object):
    def spam():
    result = spam()

That something that looks like a function fails to be callable violates PLA. There are work-arounds, but none of them are pretty or obvious:

    # the underlying function doesn't seem to be available directly
    result = spam.__get__(object())

or something like this:

class C(object):
    def spam():
    result = spam()
    spam = staticmethod(spam)

Making staticmethod callable would, in my opinion, be the obvious way to do it.


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